Wednesday, April 13, 2011

doing the ugly dance

Lady is doing The Ugly Dance. Don't miss it!
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Saturday, November 6, 2010


Hadn't eaten for almost a whole day, and was so hungry i decided to cook something fast and easy. So this basically japanese ramen noodles with sausages, boiled egg, noodles spice, hot sauce, broccoli and a plastic cup filled with coca cola. And some grapes. Now that was a well deserved meal. Yummy! :)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Friday, July 30, 2010


My sleep cycle is so messed up right now, no thanks to staying awake watching the last season of desperate housewives and the last season finale of grey's anatomy, for 3 days non-stop. Yeah I know lame. They were so interesting that I just had to watch every episode and hardly slept. Now I'm a vegetable. A mess. Its been more than a week and my sleep cycle has not returned back to normal. I stay awake through out the night, sleep around 8 or 9am and wake up between 1 to 4pm everyday. And worse, my eyes are affected. Due to spending all that time on my computer watching desperate housewive, my bad eyesight got worse. I'm short sighted. I have my specs(recomm.) but its somewhere underneath my bag. I haven't worn it in ages. And its for a silly reason, it formed dark marks under my eyes, and it gave me a nerdy look. I know silly reasons. I tried contacts but they're not for me. I have really sensitive eyes. I'll have to go back to wearing glasses again if I don't want to go blind in some years time. O well, how shitty can life get. Before I went on the desperate housewives binge, I had bouts of insomnia which fuelled the binge.


Yes, life is such a bore, or rather my life is such a bore. Nothing new or exciting going on. Same ol' life. I'm waiting on something thats taken more than 4 years now, hopefully in a few months it will finally come through. Can somebody shout a loud Amen. lol. For real though, its taking ages. Just feel like I'm in a limbo phase, just don't care much any more about life. I guess its what happens when you over worry yourself, and get impatient and frustrated. God's got it all in control.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Headed out for my vacation. Waiting in transit in Antigua for my flight to TRINIDAD! Will spend a few days there then head to St. Lucia. I hate flying but I love travelling to new places. Sometimes I wish I can close my eyes and appear in my destination. lol! I wish life could be that simple. My flight leaves in 30 mins. Another plane ride. God protect me. I hate turbulence, that part freaks me out a lot. I always try to sleep during turbulence. My laptop battery is dying. Bye. Ciao. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

So excited!!!

I have a lil trip planned for next week and I'm so excited about it and can't wait. I won't say the locations yet. lol. leaving on wednesday!!! yay!

Hi y'all! I'm new!

I'm new to blogging. lol. ok not really new. I'm new as myself. I have a secret blog and nobody can ever guess correctly which blog. I decided to blog openly, its risky but I'll limit what I blog about, since open identity blogging can get u arrested!!! Scary huh. What the hell happened to freedom of speech?!